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Renee Hall ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Superstar Consultant


My Story

I joined the Scentsy family in June 2015. I decided to sign up to get the discount on the products that I was already buying on a regular basis and sell to a few close friends. I love everything Scentsy stands for and all of the friends that it has brought me. I quickly saw how easy it was to make extra money and get paid on my products! I was getting paid to shop!! Before I knew it, I had extended to selling outside of friend circle. I began to see that this could be a lucrative business and one day replace my full-time job as a Registered Cardiovascular Ultrasound Technologist. One of my goals and dreams is continue working hard and build a successful business where our family is debt free! Scentsy has brought me the flexibility and freedom to set my own hours, BE MY OWN BOSS (which I love), while still helping others along the way. Over the years, I have had the best time meeting new people, building lifelong friendships, growing and truly belonging with a group that is much MORE than wax and warmers! I love that Scentsy offers awards and trips every year! I never thought I would be able to go on trips that I earn for FREE! Magic truly happens at our Scentsy events and I cannot imagine myself doing anything else. I look forward to helping you build your business to fit your life and dreams. Scentsy is many things for many different people- WE ARE A FAMILY- there is ALWAYS an empty seat at our table for you.

What's warming in my home